Friday, March 6, 2020

6 Awesome, Unexpected Cover Songs You Need to Hear

6 Awesome, Unexpected Cover Songs You Need to Hear Suzy S. Singers, why limit yourself to one genre? Many artists have produced amazing cover songs to put their own spin on tunes, even those not in their particular genre. Here, St. Augustine, FL voice teacher Heather L.  shares six covers worth a listen How amazingly awesome is it to hear a song re-sung by a singer in a way thats totally unlike the original version? The correct answer? Really amazingly awesome! Sometimes it can change the way we hear the lyrics completely, sometimes itll make us laugh or cry, and sometimes, its just plain mind-blowing! Some songs might just showcase another artist, while others bend genres and provide a whole new sound and feel. If youve ever heard metal covers of pop songs, you know what we mean! Below are some of the best cover songs ever enjoy! I Will Survive Originally performed by Gloria Gaynor, covered by CAKE This may be the weirdest, most unexpected cover song of all time. Gloria Gaynor sang the original survivor ballad with elegance and soaring melody, and CAKE pretty much just reads the lyrics. And it couldnt be cooler! Shine Originally performed by Collective Soul, covered by Dolly Parton and Nickel Creek Post-grunge band Collective Soul had a big hit with Shine. But in this cool cover song, iconic country singer Dolly Parton jams with progressive bluegrass band Nickel Creek and takes it to another planet. And shes smart enough to cut out a couple of the superfluous yeahs that Collective Souls lead singer belts before the chorus. Rather Be Originally performed by Clean Bandit, covered by  Pentatonix The British electronic group Clean Bandit got their first number one hit in the U.K. just last year with Rather Be.   And the a cappella supergroup Pentatonix has already covered it and made it a hit of their own by using their voices in amazing ways to create the electronic sounds of the original.   Listen and try to hear how the vocalists make the drum, scratch, and bass noises! Jolene Originally performed by Dolly Parton, covered by The White Stripes Jack White is a huge fan of classic country, and his cover of Jolene is a real tribute sung and played with love. Dollys original is sweetly sung in her honey-coated voice, and Jack pretty much yells it. At least he plays the guitar intro the same way. Take Me Home, Country Roads Originally performed by John Denver, covered by Toots and the Maytals Even the most die-hard fans of John Denver, arguably the most popular country/folk singer of the 1970s, have probably never heard his music played by a reggae band. Its even more happy-go-lucky and smiley than the first one. Nothing Else Matters Originally performed by Metallica, covered by Tori Amos Metallica is the ultimate metal band of the 1990s, and Tori Amos is the ultimate girl-on-a-piano. What happens when she covers them? Cover magic! The words really shine through when youre singing them at half the tempo. And listen, she does. If nothing else, awesome genre-bending covers teach us that anything is possible in our craft and your creativity is only limited by your imagination. Einstein taught us that imagination is more important than knowledge. Well, heres hoping he was right! Readers, what do you think? Whats on your list for the best cover songs ever? Leave your favorites in the comment section below!   Heather L. teaches singing, piano, acting, and more in St. Augustine, FL, as well as through online lessons. She is  a graduate of the prestigious Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, and has performed with the New York and Royal Philharmonics, the New Jersey and Virginia Symphonies, the American Boy Choir, and the internationally renowned opera star Andrea Bocelli.  Learn more about Heather here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

5 Steps to Ensure a Stellar Letter of Recommendation

5 Steps to Ensure a Stellar Letter of Recommendation The following is a guest post written by Anna Carapellotti of Admissionado, a premier college admissions consulting company focused on helping students get into their dream schools. Youve nailed down your school list, have a solid draft of your Common App essay, and feel like youre well on your way to being college bound. Now, its time to ask for letters of recommendation. A recommendation letter should be written by someone who knows of your strengths, personality, and accomplishments. These letters are taken seriously by admissions committees, as they are seen as candid descriptions of you and your character. Since you generally will not get to see what goes into your letter, here are some tips to ensuring you get a great one: 1. Ask early Whether your recommender is your teacher, coach, or manager, its important to keep in mind that theyre very busy. So, make sure that you ask them far enough in advance to give them plenty of time to actually write a quality letter. We usually recommend asking four to six weeks in advance, with four weeks being the absolute minimum. Particularly in high school, it becomes especially important to ask for your letters early, as most of your fellow students are rushing for the same deadlines and asking the same teachers, counselors, etc. for letters of recommendation. Asking early will not only ensure that your recommender has the time to put thought into your letter, but it will also show them that youre on top of your game, which could lead to an even stronger letter! 2. Ask someone who will write you a positive letter How can you know if someone would write you a good letter? Well, the first thing to consider is your memory. Do you have a good rapport with this person? Have all of your interactions been positive? If its a teacher, have you gotten good grades in their class? If its an employer or volunteer supervisor, have you performed well on the job? Is the work you have done with this person relevant to the program to which you are applying? If you have answered yes to most or all of the above questions, then chances are this person will write you a strong letter. Also, when asking your prospective recommender if they can write you a letter, consider gauging their response. If they say yes enthusiastically, then chances are their letter will reflect said enthusiasm. If they are hesitant, or if you asked them via email and they didnt respond, it might be worth it to ask someone else. [RELATED: 5 Things to Consider When Seeking Teacher Recommendations] 3. Provide your recommenders with all of the necessary details While it is important to give your recommender plenty of time to write the letter, dont ask them for such a favor before sorting out all of the details theyll require first. This could include the precise name and information about the university to which youre applying, the nature of your goals and how this program will help you reach them, a reminder of your relationship with the recommender (and how this relationship is relevant to what youre hoping to accomplish), when the letter is due, etc. If youve selected someone who is ready and willing to write you a good letter, then theyre going to need all of this information to do just that. 4. Waive your right to see the letter While Federal Law grants you access to your recommendation letters after youve been accepted to an institution, it is recommended that you waive your right to review them. You wont be penalized either way, but choosing not to waive might cause your recommender to write a less candid (and less passionate) description of you, or might signal to the admissions committee that you do not trust your recommender. If you have followed the advice laid out in sections one, two, and three, then you should feel completely comfortable leaving the rest up to your recommender. [RELATED: How to Survive the College Application Process] 5. Say thank you Obviously, this step comes after your recommender has written the letter, but its crucial dont forget to say thank you! And we dont mean a quick email. Write them a handwritten card. If they really went out of their way to support you in the application process, consider getting them a small gift, such as flowers, coffee, or chocolate. A great letter of recommendation can make or break your application, so be sure to show your recommender that you are truly appreciative. So, to recap, ask someone (early!) who will write you a strong recommendation, provide them with all of the necessary information, and dont forget to say thank you. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pay Back - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Pay Back - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Pay BackInfinitive form: Pay BackPresent Tense: Pay Back/ Pays Backing form: Paying BackPast tense: Paid BackPast Participle: Paid BackPay Back is an inseparable English phrasal verb. It can be used in two different ways:When you give back the money that you owe from someone1. Can you pay me back the $1,000 you owe? I need to it to pay someone back as well.2. If you let her borrow some money from you, you might as well consider it a charity since she never pays back. Believe me, I learn from experience; she never paid me back once.When you do something back to people because of what they did to you whether directly or indirectly1.  James planted a bomb at Jakes house to pay him back for ruining his life through social media.2. Susan slipped on a banana peel in her workplace. She wants the janitor to pay her back and it just so happened that she is the boss, so she fired the janitor.iframe width=560 height=315 src=// ?rel=0 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeExercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.I have a problem. Theres a man in my office with a gun who says that hes going to kill me if we dont ___ him ___.How much do they owe Porter (Mel Gibson)?What will Porter do if he doesnt get paid back?How much is the mans (white) suit worth? (Provide an estimate)Fill in the gaps from the video above:Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Pay Back.1. Ill lend you some money, as long as you promise to ___ me ___ on the day you said you will.2. Its a good thing that the Smiths didnt make us ____ them ____ for breaking their window.3. Dad got ___ ____ today. Now, it would be a great time to ask him for our allowance.4. Can you at least ____ me ____ half of what you owe? If not, Ill make you ____ ____ in some other way!5. Tess is a vengeful woman and wants her ex husband to ____ her ____ for cheating on her.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences ( or positive, at if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

In the Spirit of Staying Positive Election Humor and 9 Common Phrases

In the Spirit of Staying Positive Election Humor and 9 Common Phrases It has only been a few days since The Donald became President-elect Trump.  (We dont have to call him President Trump just yet!)  Maybe you were shocked and horrified, like me.  Maybe you were one of the people who knew it would happen.  Maybe youre celebrating.  The scary thing is that since Tuesday night, there seems to be  even more arguing, name-calling and hate between the right and left  sides than during the campaign.  Dont worry, the point of this post is not to shine the light on the hate, its to cheer ourselves up while learning some common English phrases.  Today well get to know  the following phrases:in the spirit of: with the  intention ofhitch a ride: get a ride from someone (informal)rise above: not allow something unpleasant to influence youreach out to: make an effort to communicate with or help someonelive up to: fulfilla thing or two: refers to useful information that can be learned (informal)have a ways to go: have a lot of work to doa little push: some en couragementgive up hope: stop believing something is possibleI think its obvious from this post that Ive been cheering myself up during the election by watching The Daily Show.  This time, Jordan Klepper interviews both Trump and Hillary supporters to see if they can think of anything nice to say about  each other.  This video was taken before the results came, but it continues to be relevant between those who are #stillwithher and those who are happy America will be great again.  Fill in the blanks with the correct phrase in the comments section below.  Remember to conjugate the verbs!This has been a divisive nightmare of an election, but _____________ moving forward, at one of the debates the candidates themselves took an opportunity to say one positive thing about each other.I ____________ to a Trump rally to see if his supporters were also ready to _________ the anger and __________ the other side.I headed to a Hillary rally.  Surely her supporters would ________ their slog an of stronger together, and teach those hateful Trump voters ___________ about kindness.So, both camps  _____________.  Maybe they just needed ___________.Then, just when I __________, I finally heard it-that one positive thing.Doesnt it help to laugh?  Ok, so now that youve read the definitions and listened to examples, fill in the blanks below with the correct phrase.  Dont forget to leave your answers in the comments section!He needs to learn ___________ about respecting people.Hopefully Trump will not ________ his reputation._____________ being honest, I told her that her haircut looks bad.I havent talked to my grandmother in months, so I will __________ her today.I didnt have money for the bus, so I ____________ home.After the election, we must remember not to __________.My English is really improving, but I still _____________.  I should book a class with LOI!When he was bullied, he _________ the urge to fight back.Im a bit lazy with practicing my English, so sometimes I need ___________.  Thats why I booked a class with an amazing LOI instructor.Want to learn more?  Check out this extremely helpful post from one of our instructors, Peter: The Ultimate Guide to English Idiomatic Expressions


THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE Repetition. This is just one similarity between Kumon and Taekwondo.  In order to  master a new skill, it takes practice and repetition. At just  11  years old, Sriya understands the power of repetition.   She has a black belt in Taekwondo and is currently studying  2-years above her grade level in Kumon. There’s an essence of confidence surrounding Sriya that will help her overcome any obstacle as she works towards her future goal of becoming a pediatrician.     Sriya has experienced many academic accomplishments to compliment that black belt in Taekwondo. She’s received the President Award for Educational Excellence, placed 3rd  in an  American Mathematics Competition  against students older than her,  and is currently taking college courses.  In her spare time, she also volunteers  for  the  Alzheimers Association  Community Walk?to End?Alzheimers, 2018.   Because of her accomplishments both in-and-out of the classroom, Sriya was one of 56 Kumon Students from the United States, Canada and Mexico to attend the  2018 Kumon Student Conference.     She shares  how Kumon has helped her on her journey.   What’s the biggest benefit you’ve received from Kumon?   The biggest benefit I’ve received from Kumon is self-learning. In a situation where I don’t have a teacher or don’t know the answer to a question, self-learning is key. This will even help me later in life in my career.       What do you hope to accomplish from Kumon?   I want to be a  doctor,  so I want to use my Kumon skills like self-learning and my math  ability  to help me achieve my goals.     How has Kumon helped you in the classroom?   It has helped me a lot! In fact, I am advanced compared to my classmates. I am also currently taking college courses. Kumon has given me that basis of self-learning and skills which has helped me with those courses.       Sriya shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe How has Kumon helped you beyond academics??   Kumon has  taught  me to see repetition as a helping hand rather than a barrier. I know that each individual worksheet I work on is encouraging me to master my skills. This benefits me beyond academics, like in Taekwondo, tennis and swimming. I can see how repetition assists me to master everything I do. For example, when I practice skills in Taekwondo,  I  have to  do them repeatedly, that way I am sharp with those techniques. Every time I swing my  tennis racket across my shoulder, I am building skills.       What did it mean to you to be invited to the 2018 Kumon Student  Conference??   I loved meeting other people that shared the same mindset. I loved the speeches and seeing the brain power of my peers and how they work and realize the importance of education. If we all work together as a group, we can change the world with our education.     What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? The goal is to never give up!     Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Future Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Applies Discipline and Repetition In-and-Out of the Classroom Accomplished Pianist Applies Focus and Discipline in Her Everyday Routine This Black Belt in Karate is Driven by Perseverance This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE Repetition. This is just one similarity between Kumon and Taekwondo.  In order to  master a new skill, it takes practice and repetition. At just  11  years old, Sriya understands the power of repetition.   She has a black belt in Taekwondo and is currently studying  2-years above her grade level in Kumon. There’s an essence of confidence surrounding Sriya that will help her overcome any obstacle as she works towards her future goal of becoming a pediatrician.     Sriya has experienced many academic accomplishments to compliment that black belt in Taekwondo. She’s received the President Award for Educational Excellence, placed 3rd  in an  American Mathematics Competition  against students older than her,  and is currently taking college courses.  In her spare time, she also volunteers  for  the  Alzheimers Association  Community Walk?to End?Alzheimers, 2018.   Because of her accomplishments both in-and-out of the classroom, Sriya was one of 56 Kumon Students from the United States, Canada and Mexico to attend the  2018 Kumon Student Conference.     She shares  how Kumon has helped her on her journey.   What’s the biggest benefit you’ve received from Kumon?   The biggest benefit I’ve received from Kumon is self-learning. In a situation where I don’t have a teacher or don’t know the answer to a question, self-learning is key. This will even help me later in life in my career.       What do you hope to accomplish from Kumon?   I want to be a  doctor,  so I want to use my Kumon skills like self-learning and my math  ability  to help me achieve my goals.     How has Kumon helped you in the classroom?   It has helped me a lot! In fact, I am advanced compared to my classmates. I am also currently taking college courses. Kumon has given me that basis of self-learning and skills which has helped me with those courses.       Sriya shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe How has Kumon helped you beyond academics??   Kumon has  taught  me to see repetition as a helping hand rather than a barrier. I know that each individual worksheet I work on is encouraging me to master my skills. This benefits me beyond academics, like in Taekwondo, tennis and swimming. I can see how repetition assists me to master everything I do. For example, when I practice skills in Taekwondo,  I  have to  do them repeatedly, that way I am sharp with those techniques. Every time I swing my  tennis racket across my shoulder, I am building skills.       What did it mean to you to be invited to the 2018 Kumon Student  Conference??   I loved meeting other people that shared the same mindset. I loved the speeches and seeing the brain power of my peers and how they work and realize the importance of education. If we all work together as a group, we can change the world with our education.     What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? The goal is to never give up!     Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Future Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Applies Discipline and Repetition In-and-Out of the Classroom Accomplished Pianist Applies Focus and Discipline in Her Everyday Routine This Black Belt in Karate is Driven by Perseverance This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon

How to Improve Your Mental Maths Calculation Speed

How to Improve Your Mental Maths Calculation Speed For a lucky few, maths and numbers come easily. However, most of us have to work to be good at maths. Though we all carry phones in our pockets equipped with basic calculators, it comes in handy to be able to complete simple maths problems off the cuff. Understanding percentages so you can quickly leave a tip at a restaurant is both convenient and easy. Keeping track of your finances is a necessity. If you let it, maths can help you get through your day. So brush up on those maths skills! Here are some easy ways to do it: Go digital Though parents may want to deny it, playing video games can improve your mental recall and maths skills. Apps are cheap and easy to use, no matter where you are, and there are several out there specifically designed to sharpen users' maths skills. Lumosity Brain Trainer is free and uses simple visual math puzzles to educate. Mencal is more like a quiz in that the app provides you with lessons before testing you on your number skills. If you have a phone or a computer nearby, practicing your maths know-how this way is both convenient and fun. Test yourself throughout your day Do simple maths in your head as you go about everyday activities. Try calculating how much money you'll spend on fuel, taking into account how big your petrol tank is and the price per gallon at the pump. If you enjoy baking, work on your fractions by doubling your batch of banana bread ingredients - whether or not you actually make twice the amount is up to you. (Though who wouldn't want twice the banana bread, right?) Try to challenge yourself to get better at maths while doing everyday activities. Eat your breakfast Countless studies prove eating breakfast, especially one containing a decent amount of protein, improves cognitive function. Starting off with a healthy morning meal gets your brain going and helps it perform throughout the day. Some quick and tasty morning meal ideas include yogurt and granola or peanut butter with banana on a slice of multigrain toast. Stock your fridge with healthy foods you enjoy, and you're way more likely to reach for them in the wee morning hours. Turn up the tunes Listening to music stimulates brain activity, and studies show that it can also aid your reasoning skills. Reasoning and problem solving go hand in hand, so it only makes sense that listening to music can also improve your math. Classical music is most often highlighted for its positive effects on the brain, so try blasting some Mozart next time you attempt long division. Sharp maths skills can help you file your taxes, calculate a tip, keep score at darts, and calculate your data usage for a mobile phone plan. These are just a few situations where maths comes in handy. You may find as you move through higher education and into the workplace that being able to do basic maths quickly is super useful and maybe even surprisingly easy.

How to Prepare For Your Last Year of College - TutorNerds

How to Prepare For Your Last Year of College - TutorNerds Five ways to get ready for your last year of college Students are going back to college this week and are preparing to complete their post-secondary education and get ready for a career in their chosen field. The last year of college is a pivotal point in any young persons life. Thus its important to be ready for all of the decisions that need to be made within the next nine months. Whether students are making career connections, ensuring they graduate on time, or figuring out how to start paying back student loans, there are some things they should do to make their last year of college a success a private Los Angeles college tutor is the perfect way to have a successful senior year. 1. Graduate! Graduating seems like a given, but its one of the hardest things for students to do these days. Many students have not been able to find the classes they need for their major or have taken time off of school to earn money, so becoming a fifth-year senior is a must for many students. Its essential that students meet with an academic advisor at the beginning of the school year to make sure they have enough credits and the correct classes to graduate in June. 2. Meet with a financial advisor Students should also meet with a financial advisor during their senior year of college, so they will be prepared for any financial changes that occur upon graduation. Many student loans must be paid back once a student graduates, and they’ll need to start planning for a new living situation once they move off campus. These things can be incredibly overwhelming if a student has to deal with them all at once, so its better to prepare in advance (READ: 5 Signs You Need a Los Angeles College Math Tutor). 3. Start looking for work Its never too early to start looking for potential job opportunities. Its a lot easier to have a job waiting upon graduation rather than spend the summer looking for work. Many companies will hire college seniors with the contingency that they wont start the job until they officially graduate while others will let students start working part-time as an intern to prepare for a full-time career after graduation. Students can also take informational interviews or start investigating which companies spark their interest during the senior year. 4. Take advantage of networking opportunities Senior year is also an excellent time to start solidifying any networking opportunities that have come up in the last three years. Students can network with classmates as well as professors and teaching assistants to get a foot in the door in their chosen career field. All students will need recommendations and references to get hired at their first full-time job but may also be able to make long-term connections for the future. 5. Enjoy student life College seniors should also take a moment to sit back, relax and just enjoy being a student. Once they start working full-time their entire life will change and senior year is the last chance to live a student’s life. Seniors should join in on a campus club or organization, volunteer within their local student community, attend social events on campus, or take an extracurricular course in something theyve always been interested in. Part of an overall balanced education is enjoying the recreational aspects of college life. Students are encouraged to go to a football game, attend movie night, and enjoy their school spirit before moving on to a career. End your college career strong with the help of a private Los Angeles college tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.